bressi_Soul is a singer, songwriter, topliner and vocalist.
Thanks to over a decade of private classical vocal studies in Verona (IT) and having performed a variety of genres all the way from prog rock to soul andjazz, bressi_Soul has deeply connected with and mastered the art of her voice.
After an interlude of almost 10 years spent working outside the music business, she has now been called back to it, redescovering her true calling through illness that made her take a leap of faith. Faith in her inner voice and music skillset. She is now crafting her art, allowing herself to break old genres' boundaries and marching further in life through music and sound expansion.
bressi_Soul's music comes straight from the heart, her sound is merging soul, jazz, gospel funk blues and rock alongside each others and some spicy new expreimental electronic vibes that complement the deep meaning of the lyric message she conveys in her own compositions.
Everything she does she does it following her beating light beam coming from her heart: her inner Voice. Listening to the Voice within and let it out so that it can be heard, manifested and contribute to raise the vibration of all that exists.
Collabs & Projects
bressi_Soul collaborates with other song writers and producers worldwide who she encountered in the past few years and thanks to the TSA and MPA networks while preparing for "Songs from the Heart" a series of singles releases coming out between end of 2024 and 2025.

What makes bressi_Soul unique?
Her voice is the key. Close your eyes, listen to her singing and you'll be transported into a magical place beyond space and time where Witney Huston, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Emily Sandel, Lady Gaga and Aretha Franklin's tones melt together creating something enchanting. Her voice has passion, power and softness. It's like a spell you'll be bewitched by.
Other Collaborations and ongoing projects
Among her tighest collabs is Elephant Ears with whom she has established a friendship bond on top of a professional collaboration. Together they have released their own debut single "Learning to Say Goodbye" on May 16th 2024, a song that was co-written by Elephant Ears and Emmy Award songwriter Andrew Rollings.
Let's keep in contact
Below you can find bressi_Soul socials. She is be;ieves in true connection with people. For only taking in what people represents for her she can really grow. So don't be shy, click & follow and say hello. She'll reply to you!

Let's collaborate
Below you can find bressi_Soul virtual business card. She is believes in soul expansion so she is open to find new artists and producers/ songwriters to collaborate with. This is one of the reasons why she joined the indipendent station @Brumsideradio with her brand new show A Journey Through Sound where she is talking about sound, healing and music while discovering new artists, locally and internationally.
If you're a looking for a songwriter for your upcoming project or wanting to explore the world of sync and music libraries style, or maybe are in need of a voice actrice or just looking for a jam for fun or to participate into the building of her youtube channel, connect with her via her tapitag links, together you'll see if a collab with her is the right fit for you and if not, networking is always a key feature in music so if in doubt, just get in contact!
Afrer a long wait and many stoppers in her life in 2024 that really made it look like nothing was going to be released this year. She is taking a leap of faith and releasing her very first solo single: "Where Real Love Grows". This song is the product of a fantastic collaboration with artist and friend Zandrah Mereborg, Producer Soundtopia and writer Chiara Grioni.
The song was born to spread the awareness of our inner Voice: our beating Heart and what really means to follow it till the end. It's a story of self healing and self love, raising awareness on the inside to be able to see beyond what things may look like and capture the essence of everything; Love that is.
Where Real Love Grows will transport you into the magical Here and Now where everything is possible once you open your heart, let the light in and dive into the unknown taking coherent action with what your heart demands no matter how hard it seems.
The artist has been called to release Where Real Love Grows in a very unconventional way and almost as a psycomagic action to declar that she is a wayshower for a world where no fear and no judgment can take down the only truth: we are one with everything that is and it is by recognising this and letting go of all the so perceived stoppers that one's magic can really unfold in unexpected way!
Pre-save the song with the link below. And stay tuned for the 31st of December 2024. At 5.00 pm UK time go on your favourite platform and have a listen to it.
Let's keep in contact
Below you can find bressi_Soul socials. She is believing in true connection with people. For only taking in what people represents for her she can really grow. So don't be shy, click & follow and say hello. She'll reply to you!
bressi_Soul has also recently created her own Youtube Channel where she created a section titled "Toplines for Fun". It is a place where you can listen to the artist arranging vocally covers of music that inspires her. Sometimes she'll have some musicians playing the music with her, sometimes is just going to be over a backing track. This is something she does for the pure enjoyment of the creation process and to keep her creative spark always on. Follow her on youtube for more.